Select a membership:
Basic Plan
Get your pass to Fountainview's inspirational music & media catalog, entirely free from commercial advertising.
Silver Sponsor Plan
Get your pass to Fountainview's extensive inspirational music & media catalog, entirely free from commercial advertising.
PLUS: Pay an additional amount to sponsor Fountainview's media ministry.
Note: This provides no additional content or benefits from the Basic Plan, except the reward of knowing you are supporting our media ministry, and helping us reach more people for Christ.
Gold Sponsor Plan
Get your pass to Fountainview's extensive inspirational music & media catalog, entirely free from commercial advertising.
PLUS: Pay an additional amount to sponsor Fountainview's media ministry.
Note: This provides no additional content or benefits from the Basic Plan, except the reward of knowing you are supporting our media ministry, and helping us reach more people for Christ.
Platinum Sponsor Plan
Get your pass to Fountainview's extensive inspirational music & media catalog, entirely free from commercial advertising.
PLUS: Pay an additional amount to sponsor Fountainview's media ministry.
Note: This provides no additional content or benefits from the Basic Plan, except the reward of knowing you are supporting our media ministry, and helping us reach more people for Christ.